If You Have Been Wanting To Get Inked, You Can’t Miss This Festival
To the point: It will feature some of the best tattoo artists from around the world!
Been wanting to get inked for a while? There couldn’t be a better opportunity for you!
Delhi is about to host the third edition of Heartwork Tattoo Festival which will see tattoo artistes and enthusiasts from all around the world under one roof. If you have been contemplating about getting your first tattoo or the 10th one, for a while - it’s time you make up your mind.

At the festival, there will be no boundaries as far as your imagination is concerned, for every artist will bring your thoughts to life on your skin. Specialties, designs, intricacy, detailing – all the aspects would seem like a cake-walk as some of the top artists from around the world take on their booth and get the needles ready.

The festival will feature over 75 different participants from countries like the UK, Austria, Afghanistan, China, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Germany, Korea, India among many others.

Apart from the inks and needles, it will also host live acts across music and stand-up comedy; something to ease the pain and distract first timers – just saying.
What: 3rd International Heartwork Tattoo Festival
Where: Indira Gandhi Stadium Complex, IP Estate, Near Raj Ghat, Grand Trunk Road, New Delhi
When: December 1 – December 3
Time: 12 PM onwards
For the entire schedule, click here.
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